2016-17 國際扶輪社長 六月份 文告

親愛的扶輪社友, |
在田納西州查坦努加長大的我們家幾個兄弟和我都是,年輕時就學到要勤奮工作。這是年少時隻身來美國的家父教導我們的。他希望我們過得比他更好,更輕鬆自在;他想給我們他曾錯過的教育及機會。我們都知道,當他從紙廠上完夜班,一早8 點鐘回到家,這都是為了我們兄弟。 |
回顧往事,透過這麼多年的反思,我從家父的勤奮工作不僅看到他對於我們的愛,也看到每一代人普遍渴望照顧和提升下一代。話說回顧今年的扶輪服務,我在我們每個人選擇加入這個偉大組織的身上看到那樣的期盼。做父母的想讓子女有好日子過,那是很自然的事。透過扶輪,我們能做得更多:我們不僅能讓我們自己的孩子過更好的生活,也能讓所有孩子過更好的生活。我們有機會照顧和提升那些最需要我們的人──無論他們是在我們自己的社區或在世界的另一端。 |
最近兩年,我和內人茱蒂Judy 為了扶輪旅行世界各地,所到之處一再提醒我們,在扶輪裡是什麼東西激勵我們。就是那種能夠有所助益的簡單希望:伸出援手給那些要援助的人。無論那意味著在烏干達成立血庫、送一台X 光機到瓜地馬拉的一個村莊、或照顧黎巴嫩的難民,扶輪社員們都是在為了幫助那些最需要幫助的人做最需要做的事。他們為他們所關心的社區勤奮工作,來協助那些社區的人邁向更好的生活。
2016-17 RI Presidential Message in June 2016 |

Growing up in Chattanooga, Tenn., my brothers and I learned young to work hard. It was a lesson taught to us by our father, who had come to the United States, alone, as a teenager. He wanted our lives to be better and easier than his had been; he wanted to give us the education and opportunities that he had missed. We always knew, when he came home at 8 o'clock in the morning after working a night shift at the paper mill, that he was doing it for us. |
Looking back, through the prism of many years, I see in my father's hard work not only an expression of his love for us, but the universal desire of each generation to care for and lift up the next. And looking back at this year of service in Rotary, I see that desire reflected in each of us who have chosen to be part of this great organization. It is natural for parents to want to make things better for their children. Through Rotary, we can do so much more: We can make things better, not only for our own children, but for all children. We have the opportunity to care for and lift up those who need us the most – whether they are in our own community or on the other side of the world.
As Judy and I have traveled the world for Rotary over the last two years, we've been reminded, again and again, of what motivates us in Rotary: the simple desire to be of assistance, to give a helping hand to those who need it. Whether it means building a blood bank in Uganda, delivering an X-ray machine to a village in Guatemala, or taking care of refugees in Lebanon, Rotarians are doing what is needed most for the people who are most in need. They're working hard for the communities they care about, helping the people of those communities lead better lives.
To me, that is the essence of Rotary: that desire to be of assistance, that willingness to work for the good of others. In Rotary, when someone needs help and you can give that help, you don't walk away. You don't turn your back. You say, I'm here for you. I'll do whatever I can. And I know that whatever I do, I'm not doing it alone – I'm doing it with Rotary Serving Humanity.