2016-17 國際扶輪社長 十 月份 文告

敬愛的扶輪社友, |
在1979年,當時的國際扶輪社長小詹姆士.伯馬James Bomar Jr. 飛到菲律賓,展開扶輪為兒童接種疫苗以預防小兒麻痺的最早期工作。在他把幾滴疫苗滴入一名嬰兒的口中之後,他感覺有一個孩子在拉他的褲管,企圖引起他的注意。伯馬低頭一看,看見嬰兒的哥哥仰望著他,誠摯的說「感謝你,感謝你,扶輪。」 |
在扶輪承擔根除小兒麻痺的任務以前,每一年有350,000人───幾乎全部都是兒童───因罹患小兒麻痺而麻痺。菲律賓那個孩子清楚明白什麼是小兒麻痺,也完全瞭解扶輪為他的小弟弟做了什麼。今天,在啟動根除小兒麻痺等疾病計畫Polio Plus的31年之後,菲律賓───以及世界上幾乎每一個其他國家───的兒童都在不識小兒麻痺症為何物及不曉得恐懼它的情況下,正常成長。現在不在是每天有1,000個新的小兒麻痺病例,而是每週病例平均不到一個。但是隨著對小兒麻痺的恐懼減少,人們對於這種疾病的瞭解也漸趨缺乏。比起過去,我們現在更應保持高度瞭解,並將根除小兒麻痺提升到公共議題及政府施政優先順序的最高位置。我們必須確保世界知曉我們根除小兒麻痺的工作未竟,輪參與其中要根除此一疾病。 |
在10月24日,扶輪將舉行世界小兒麻痺日,以協助提升對於小兒麻痺的瞭解以及協助募集所需款項,以達成完全根除小兒麻痺。我要求你們所有人在你們的輪社、社區、或在網路上,舉辦一個活動。活動的構想及資料(所有扶輪語言)可上網到 endpolio.org/worldpolioday 下載,而且可在同一網頁登記你的活動。你也可以和我及數以萬計的扶輪社友於美東時間下午六時在亞特蘭大的美國疾病控制及預防中心觀看全球現況說明實況。我將和疾病控制及預防中心主任湯姆.傅萊登Tom Frieden、其他專家、及激勵人心的演講人一起出席,深入分享有關根除小兒麻痺的知識、夥伴之間的合作以及人的故事。
2016-17 RI Presidential Message in October 2016 |

In 1979, James Bomar Jr., the president of Rotary at the time, traveled to the Philippines as part of Rotary’s earliest work to immunize children against polio. After he had put drops of vaccine into one baby’s mouth, he felt a child’s hand tugging on his trouser leg to get his attention. Bomar looked down and saw the baby’s brother looking up at him, saying earnestly, “Thank you, thank you, Rotary.”
Before Rotary took on the task of polio eradication, 350,000 people – nearly all of them children – were paralyzed by polio every year. That child in the Philippines knew exactly what polio was and understood exactly what Rotary had just done for his baby brother. Today, 31 years after the launch of PolioPlus, the children of the Philippines – and of nearly every other country in the world – are growing up without that knowledge, and that fear, of polio. Instead of 1,000 new cases of polio every day, we are averaging less than one per week. But as the fear of polio wanes, so does awareness of the disease. Now more than ever, it is vitally important to keep that awareness high and to push polio eradication to the top of the public agenda and our governments’ priorities. We need to make sure the world knows that our work to eradicate polio isn’t over yet, but that Rotary is in it to end it.
On 24 October, Rotary will mark World Polio Day to help raise the awareness and the funding we need to reach full eradication. I ask all of you to take part by holding an event in your club, in your community, or online. Ideas and materials are available for download in all Rotary languages at endpolio.org/worldpolioday, and you can register your event with Rotary at the same link. You can also join me and tens of thousands of your fellow Rotarians for a live-streamed global status update at 6 p.m. Eastern time at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. I’ll be there along with CDC Director Tom Frieden, other experts, and inspirational presenters, sharing an inside look at the science, partnerships, and human stories of polio eradication.
It is an incredibly exciting time to be a Rotarian. We are gathering momentum for the final race to the finish: to the end of PolioPlus and the beginning of a polio-free world. It is truly a once-in-a-lifetime chance to End Polio Now, through Rotary Serving Humanity.