2016-17 國際扶輪社長 五月份 文告
親愛的扶輪社友, |
當您讀到這篇文告時,我們6 月10-14 日在亞特蘭大舉行的第108 屆國際扶輪年會,早已經進入最後準備工作。我們期望這屆年會將是有史以來最大且最好的扶輪年會之一,因為我們不僅慶祝扶輪服務人類這一年的美好成就,也慶祝透過扶輪基金會行善於世界整整一個世紀。 |
如果您還沒計畫出席,現在到riconvention.org 去註冊還來得及。簡直沒有比這更好的方式來畫下扶輪另一個美好年度的完美句點:與4 萬名左右的扶輪社友共聚一堂,分享理念、尋找靈感、及一起歡樂。 |
我們備感興奮能邀請到我們根除小兒痲痹工作的友人及夥伴比爾•蓋茲,在我們的年會演講。而且這屆年會值得您及早抵達前去出席一項特別的社長和平會議,此一會議預定在6 月9-10 日舉行,特色是馬丁路德金恩博士與柯瑞達金恩所生的女兒伯尼絲金恩Bernice A. King 將蒞會演講。
這次年會說實在猶如就在我自家後院舉行, 我深感榮幸: 亞特蘭大是喬治亞州充滿活力、現代化的首府,離我的家鄉田納西州查頓努加(Chattanooga) 只有2 個小時車程。這座城市是體驗美國南方有名的好客文化的好地方。我們的地主籌備委員會規劃了一整週精彩的活動,從星期六晚上的「牛仔褲與藍草音樂」活動開始。
請來我們的百週年奧林匹克公園(Centennial Olympic Park),就在友誼之家對面,在葛萊美獎得獎人Ricky Skaggs 及他的肯塔基州Thunder 樂團的助興之下翩翩起舞。請來百週年慶街區舞會(Centennial Celebration Block Party)或參加亞特蘭大和平之旅(Peace Tour of Atlanta),見見老朋友和新朋友。請捲起您的袖子參加「建造棲身之家」(Habitat Home Build) 活動,或綁起您的鞋帶來參加「現在就終結小兒痲痹3 公里健走/慢跑」(3K Walk/Run to End Polio Now)。別忘了在您說再見之前,記得回到友誼之家再多參加一個聚會:我們的扶輪基金會100 歲生日會,(當然!)還有品嚐蛋糕及冰淇淋。 |
這這屆國際年會將是一項難以置信的經驗,內人Judy 與我期盼和您一起慶祝――或,套用我們南方人說的,大家作伙來!我們亞特蘭大見! |
2016-17 RI Presidential Message in May 2016 |
As you read these lines, final preparations are well underway for our 108th Rotary International Convention, 10-14 June in Atlanta. We're looking forward to one of the biggest and best Rotary conventions yet, as we celebrate not only a wonderful year of Rotary Serving Humanity, but a full century of Doing Good in the World through The Rotary Foundation. |
If you haven't already made plans to attend, it's not too late to register at riconvention.org. There is simply no better way to round off another great year in Rotary than by coming together with 40,000 or so of your fellow Rotarians to share ideas, find inspiration, and have a great time together.
We're excited to have Bill Gates, a friend and partner in our work to eradicate polio, speaking at our convention this year. And it's worth arriving early to attend a special Presidential Peace Conference, scheduled for 9-10 June and featuring Bernice A. King, daughter of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King.
I'm proud to host a convention that is practically in my own backyard: Atlanta is a vibrant, modern state capital just a two-hour drive from my home city of Chattanooga, Tenn., and it's a great place to experience the famous hospitality of the American South. Our Host Organization Committee has a great week planned, starting with the "Blue Jeans and Bluegrass" kickoff event on Saturday night.
Come on over to Centennial Olympic Park, right across from the House of Friendship, and get in a dancing mood with Grammy Award winner Ricky Skaggs and his Kentucky Thunder band. Meet up with friends old and new at the Centennial Celebration Block Party or on the Peace Tour of Atlanta. Roll up your sleeves for the Habitat Home Build, or tie up your laces to take part in the 3K Walk/Run to End Polio Now. And before you say goodbye, come back to the House of Friendship for one more party: our Foundation's 100th birthday party, with (of course!) cake and ice cream. |
It's going to be an incredible experience, and Judy and I are looking forward to celebrating with you – or, as we say in the South, with y'all! See you in Atlanta! |