2016-17 國際扶輪社長 十二月份 文告

敬愛的扶輪社友, |
我加入扶輪時是一個工程師。工程這一行的職業分類數量幾乎跟扶輪的職業分類一樣多,我剛好是一個機械工程師。機械工程師的任務是計算新建物的暖氣及冷氣負載、確定每個地方都有適當的照明、以及規劃管線,以免把熱水管裝到飲水機。 |
機械工程師在人群中並不突出,也不會因他們所做的工作而引起你的注意。你可能不會太在意那些設計你使用的大樓、你開的車、或你遵循的交通模式的工程師。但是每次你進入電梯、轉動啟動汽車的鑰匙、或者當交通號誌說你可以走時越過馬路,你便是把生命託付給一個從未謀面的工程師。你相信電梯會在你要到達的樓層開門。你相信你的汽車會正常啟動和停止。你相信行人通行燈號亮起之前紅綠燈會亮紅燈。每天,你將生命交到你不知姓名,而且可能永遠不會見面的人的手中。你可能根本不會想到他們――但是他們每天都影響你的生活。 |
透過我們的職業,我們在我們的扶輪社、社區、及國際上,影響我們不認識且可能永遠見不到面的人的生活。在世界每個角落,每一天,無論他們知道或不知道,由於扶輪所做了那些事,人們過著更好,更安全、及更健康的生活。 |
我們所幫助的人可能連一個扶輪社員也沒見過。他們甚至可能不知道扶輪的存在。但是他們所飲用的潔淨的水是來自扶輪挖掘的深水井。他們學習閱讀所用的書是扶輪給的。由於扶輪服務人類,他們過著更好、更快樂、以及更健康的生活。 |
2016-17 RI Presidential Message in December 2016 |

I joined Rotary as an engineer. There are almost as many classifications in the profession of engineering as there are in Rotary, but I happen to be a mechanical engineer. A mechanical engineer calculates the heating and cooling loads for a new building, makes sure the right lights are in the right places, and plans the plumbing so your hot water pipe doesn’t end in a drinking fountain. |
Mechanical engineers don’t stand out in a crowd, and they don’t call attention to themselves with what they do. You probably haven’t thought much about the engineers who designed the buildings you use, the car you drive, or the traffic patterns you follow. But every time you get in an elevator, turn the key in your ignition, or cross the street when the light says go, you are entrusting your life to an engineer somewhere whom you’ve never met. You trust that your elevator will open at the floor you want it to. You trust that your car will start and stop as it should. You trust that the traffic light is going to turn red before the walk light goes on. Every day, you put your life in the hands of people whose names you do not know and whom you might never meet. You might not think about them at all – but they touch your lives every day.
I could draw the same parallel to any number of other vocations – ordinary occupations with the same kind of life-changing impact. In so many ways – some of which we see and some we don’t – our vocations allow us to help other people live better, safer, and healthier lives.
Just like the work we do in Rotary.
Through our vocations and in our clubs, in our communities, and across continents, we are touching the lives of people we don’t know and might never meet. And in every part of the world, every single day, whether they know it or not, people are living better, safer, and healthier lives because of the work of Rotary. |
The people we help might not have met a single Rotarian. They might not even know that Rotary exists. But they are drinking clean water from a bore well that Rotary dug. They’re learning to read with books that Rotary gave them. They’re living lives that are better, happier, and healthier – because of Rotary Serving Humanity.