2016-17 國際扶輪社長 四月份 文告

親愛的扶輪社友, |
就全球來講,包括已開發和開發中國家,兒童死亡率正在下降,人類平均壽命上升。在1960年,每1,000個新生兒當中,有182個未滿五歲就夭折:今天,那個數字降至43。1960年出生的孩子預期平均僅活52歲;對比之下,今年出生的孩子可望活到71歲。 |
最可能決定兒童命運的因素在出生時就確定了,當時如此,現在亦然:在哪裡出生、家庭的教育及經濟狀況、有無醫療照顧。然而公衛的最重要進步之一是它已及於每個國家,現在必須及於每個兒童:疫苗接種。 |
總括而言,世界衛生組織估計接種疫苗每一年避免了200至300萬人死亡。它也避免了殘障帶來的巨大負擔及經濟損失。然而我們可以做得更好:藉由改進全世界的疫苗涵蓋率,可避免另外150萬人死亡。 |
這個月,從4月24日到30日,我們與世界衛生組織、聯合國兒童基金會、及美國疾病控制及預防中心一起慶祝世界免疫週,來提升世人對於疫苗給全球的健康帶來的重大正面影響的認知。今年的主題是「疫苗管用」--疫苗確實有用。疫苗的增加使用對公衛有廣泛的作用:管制病毒性肝炎、減少抗生素的需求以及抗藥細菌的發展、與更多兒童及少年獲得基本保健照顧。在全世界每個角落,例行的疫苗接種一直是確保所有孩子都有最佳機會能有健康的未來的關鍵。 |
在一個變化莫測的世界,疫苗提供了奇妙的方法:保護兒童的一生。藉由一起致力於保護所有兒童免受小兒痲痺及其他可預防的疾病的侵襲,扶輪真正在服務人類--現在以及往後世世代代。 |
2016-17 RI Presidential Message in April 2016 |

Globally, in developed as well as in developing countries, child mortality is on the decline and life expectancy on the rise. In 1960, 182 of every 1,000 children born died before turning five; today, that number is down to 43. A child born in 1960 could expect to live an average of just 52 years; by contrast, a child born this year can expect to live to 71. |
Then as now, the factors most likely to determine a child's fate are set at birth: where he or she is born, the educational and economic condition of the family, the availability of medical care. Yet one of the most important advances in public health has reached every country and must now reach every child: immunization.
The use of vaccines has, in many parts of the world, nearly eliminated diseases that once were widespread, such as diphtheria, tetanus, and rubella. Thanks to vaccines, 20 million lives have been saved from measles since 2000. Smallpox has been eradicated – and polio is next.
Thirty years ago, there were an estimated 350,000 cases of polio per year worldwide. As this issue of The Rotarian went to press, only 37 cases of polio had been recorded in 2016 – the lowest number in history. All of the other cases, and the paralysis and death they would have brought, were prevented through the widespread use of a safe, reliable, and inexpensive vaccine.
Overall, the World Health Organization estimates that immunization prevents an estimated 2 million to 3 million deaths every year. It also averts a tremendous burden of disability and economic loss. Yet we could be doing so much better: An additional 1.5 million deaths could be avoided by improving vaccine coverage worldwide. |
This month, from 24 to 30 April, we join WHO, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in celebrating World Immunization Week, raising awareness of the incredible impact that vaccines have had on global health. This year's theme is "Vaccines Work" – and they do. Increased use of vaccines has broader repercussions for public health: controlling viral hepatitis, reducing both the need for antibiotics and the development of antibiotic-resistant microbes, and reaching more children and adolescents with essential health interventions. In every part of the world, routine immunization is as crucial as ever to ensure that all children have the best chance at a healthy future. |
In an uncertain world, vaccines offer something remarkable: a way to protect our children throughout their lives. By working together to safeguard all children against polio and other preventable diseases, Rotary is truly Serving Humanity – now and for generations to come. |