2016-17 國際扶輪社長 三月份 文告

親愛的扶輪社友, |
四十年前,加州杜阿泰(Duarte) 扶輪社允許三個女性社員入社,此舉違反國際扶輪章程。結果,該社的加盟證書遭國際扶輪廢止。 |
該社的社員們並未氣餒,繼續舉行會議。他們在扶輪標誌上加了一個X、另外製作新領章、並自稱為杜阿泰X扶輪社,繼續為爭取婦女擔任扶輪社員而奮鬥。十年後,恢復社籍的杜阿泰扶輪社派遣首屆女社長SylviaWhitlock參加社長當選人訓練會。之後不久,在1989 年,扶輪的立法會議終結扶輪純男性組織的狀態。 |
今天,我們扶輪有240,000 多位女性社員,扶輪的強大前所未有。全世界幾乎每個國家都有男女扶輪社員,他們在35,000 多個扶輪社服務社區。在扶輪社階層,我們需要各種背景、年齡、文化、及專業的男士及女士;在國際階層,我們必須在世界上的每個地域、國家、及城市都有扶輪社。我們的扶輪社越能反映他們的社區,我們越能對社區提供更好的服務。社員多元性是我們的力量。
我們仍然像以前那樣喜歡扶輪。我們喜歡我們在扶輪建立的友誼及人脈、以及扶輪提供我們服務人類的能力。我們相信扶輪在我們自己的生活中及整個世界有巨大的價值。我們比以前更瞭解,為了讓扶輪能繼續成長,扶輪必須擁抱它所服務的世界――擁抱這個世界所有的多元性、所有的差異性、以及所有不斷變遷的服務需求。 |
今天的扶輪社員應該感激40 年前的杜阿泰扶輪社員。他們的決心、堅持不懈、及持久的善意為我們扶輪組織後來的演變搭好了舞台:一個服務人類的扶輪。 |
2016-17 RI Presidential Message in March 2016 |

Forty years ago, the Rotary Club of Duarte, Calif., admitted three women members, in violation of the Rotary International Constitution. As a result, the club's charter was terminated by RI. |
Undeterred, the club's members continued to meet. They put an X over their Rotary insignia, made themselves new pins, and dubbed themselves the Ex-Rotary Club of Duarte as they continued to fight for the right of women to serve as Rotarians. Ten years later, a restored Rotary Club of Duarte sent Sylvia Whitlock, Rotary's first female club president, to a presidents-elect training seminar. Not long after that, in 1989, Rotary's Council on Legislation permanently ended Rotary's status as a men-only organization.
Today, with more than 240,000 women in our clubs, Rotary is stronger than ever. We are women and men from nearly every country of the world, serving our communities in more than 35,000 clubs. At the club level, we need men and women of all backgrounds, ages, cultures, and professions; internationally, we need clubs in every city, country, and region of the world. The better our clubs reflect their communities, the better we can serve them. Our diversity is our strength.
It is difficult for most of us to imagine today why anyone argued so strongly against the idea of women in Rotary. Looking back, I think that opposition came from a simple resistance to change. Rotarians loved Rotary the way it was and couldn't imagine it any other way.
We still love Rotary as much as we ever did. We love the friendships and connections we make there, and the ability Rotary provides us to serve humanity. We believe Rotary has tremendous value in our own lives and in the world at large. And we recognize, more than ever, that for Rotary to continue to grow, it needs to embrace the world it serves – in all of its diversity, all of its variety, and all of its evolving needs for service. |
The Rotarians of today owe a debt of gratitude to the Rotarians of Duarte 40 years ago. Their determination, persistence, and enduring goodwill set the stage for the organization we have become: Rotary Serving Humanity. |